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Informative Articles

Get Stronger, Faster and Better by Training Right, Eating Well and Resting Up
Copyright 2005 Joey Atlas I rarely start an article with the conclusion at the beginning. But, for this specific topic I couldn’t write it any other way. So, here it is. No magic pill, patented drink mix, sublingual tincture, trans-dermal patch,...

Meeting Mickey Mantle - His Idol
Meeting Mickey Mantle Meeting Mickey Mantle would be a dream comes true. A dream realized for Dan on his 38th birthday, when his wife honored him with a week long stay at the Yankee Fantasy Camp in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dan played with some of...

Montreal Misery
We've all done it before. Sportscenter is on showing the highlights off the latest Expos game and they show a snap shot off the bare bleachers. Of course the jokes follow like "It's easier to grab a foul ball at an Expos game than at a Little...

My God...It's Full of Stars!
There are not too many opportunities while running a business where there is a defined period of work stoppage, thus giving you the time needed to go over the details of your product or service. Right now, the NHL's little details are eagerly...

The Penalty Box
Nowhere can an example of the corrupt capitalistic society be found more perfectly than in this NHL labour dispute. This is essentially a battle between the Haves and the Have Mores, who are scratching and clawing each other over their share average...

Inspiring Baseball Quotations

I loved being around the baseball players when they had something to say that I thought would have a positive impression. Here are some of the quotes that I have enjoyed and have inspired me.
Bob Gibson
“ I owe the public one thing - a good performance.”
Sandy Koufax
“ Pitching is the art of instilling fear.”
Warren Spahn
"A sore arm is like a headache or a toothache. It can make you feel bad, but if you just forget about it and do what you have to do, it will go away. If you really like to pitch and you want to pitch, that's what you'll do."
Stan Musial
"I love to play this game of baseball - I love putting on this uniform."
"When a pitcher's throwing a spitball, don't worry and don't complain, just hit the dry side like I

Derek Jeter
"My dad had been shortstop when he was in college, and you know, when you're a kid, you want to be just like your dad."
"My office is at Yankee stadium. Yes, dreams do come true."

About The Author

Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 45 years. His passions have included; playing, watching, reading , evaluating, and coaching the game he adores. Check out his baseball ezine. For inspiring quotes, unusual statistics and most of all heartwarming stories go here. If you love baseball you will love his site.

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