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Is Baseball Gear Any Safer Today?

Baseball is at 150 years old, one of the most popular spectator sports in the United States. How have such conditions like technology, economic resources, a need for higher standards for safety and protection, make the basic baseball gear better?

Let’s first define: what is the typical or basic baseball gear?

The first is the basic baseball. In the past baseballs were single pieces of hand stitched, stuffed leather. Today’s modern version baseball is the modern hardballs, which are technologically made to exact specifications.

Another old baseball gear is the bat. Bats today are more precisely carved and crafted from different materials: woods such as ash, maple, metal like aluminum, and even bamboo. No longer is this basic baseball gear made from tree limbs and wagon tongues.

Even the simple fielder’s glove, another baseball gear basic, has undergone changes. Today there is now a wider selection. There are even gloves made for women

fielders! You can pick buffalo leather or the "Full-Grain" leather which is made out of cow hide leather on which the entire natural grain remains. For new players or occasional baseball players, fielders’ gloves made out of pigskin will do. While it is less durable compared to cowhide, it is more flexible.

All other baseball gear stalwarts such as the helmet, sneakers to the outfits of the baseball players, have benefited from technological advances. For instance, the materials used to make sneakers and uniforms are now stretchable synthetic-blend materials. These materials are more functional and protective.

These sound technological advances have indeed made a big difference, in the making more durable, sturdier and comfortable baseball gear. Making it possible for baseball to be enjoyed by the spectators and players in safety and fun!

About the Author
Ken Austin

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