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A Game In Progress
A Game In Progress The game is getting down to the nitty gritty and the opposing team is ready to pull ahead if we don't get our stuff together. Oh well I know I had him, blind ump. The next batter is their number four batter and he is ready to...

Advantages of Martial Arts for Kids
Martial arts are still considered a rather controversial subject, and the unfortunate misconception that they can promote violence is still present. However, just a little research will show any parent that martial arts promote the exact opposite of...

Home Run Statistics – Going Going Gone.
This was written prior to the 2005 season The home run. One of sports grandest sights. Whether it is a line drive that barely clears the wall or a pop up that glances off the foul pole. Or if it’s a shot that goes 40 rows back. It is still a home...

Listen, Can You Hear the Crack of the Bat?
Listen Can You Hear the Crack of the Bat? The other day, as I watched my aughter take batting practice from her new batting coach, my eyes shifted to another batter that was being coached by another teacher. Her swings were slow, the ball was...

What to Look For When Buying Athletic Shoes
You've finally had to throw out those cross-trainers. They've been your companions through miles of workouts and it breaks your heart to have to dump them. It's been so long since you've had to purchase a new pair, you don't know where to begin. ...

What A Great Night

What A Great Night 
The Time Machine brings me back to Chancellor Avenue, Newark, New Jersey, circa 1964. Vintage cars like the ’62 Oldsmobile Spitfire, 1957 and 1958 Chevy’s roamed up and down the street passing The Bunny Hop, The Burgerama and Dave’s Hot Dog Haven. Did we only eat French fries, hot dogs and hamburgers back then? I think so. 

On May 19th, 2005 I had the pleasure of attending the Sunday morning group of boys that used to frequent Chancellor Avenue. This event perpetuates the camaraderie that existed amongst us boys. For some old boys the time machine went back to the 1920’s. There were some guys there that were 90 years old. I felt great. I was one of the youngest guys to attend.  
Wow what a group. There must have been over 200 boys of Chancellor there. All of us used to hang out in the neighborhood. Most of us went to Weequahic High School. Some went to South Side High School, and some guys were from Hillside. And most of us played baseball, basketball, softball, or football in our day. 
The joyousness of the evening

created a very loud room. I could not hear myself think at times. I found myself leaning over and placing my ear near someone’s mouth to hear what they were saying. I saw a lot of this going on. Yes there was a lot of ear to mouth.
What made the evening special for me was seeing some of my old buddies that I had not seen in quite some time. In some cases over 20 years. Being able to hug some great guys like Mr Barone, Stanley Levy, Big Jeff Schulman, Joe Margulies. Sandy Markowitz and Jake Davis made the evening a great night. I felt special because of the special people I was with. 
This was a great night.

About the Author
Aron Wallad has been a baseball lover for over 45 years. His passions have included; playing, watching, reading, evaluating, and coaching the game he adores. Do you love inspiring quotes, unusual statistics and most of all, heartwarming baseball stories? If you love baseball you will love his baseball ezine.

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